The Yankees made a ton of news in 2010. Some news garnered more attention on my blog than you might have expected. Here are the top 10 visited posts at lenNY’s Yankees of 2010.
10. Chan Ho Park’s diarrhea of the mouth (literally) [Video]
This may have been the funniest news of the year, and it came just two weeks into the season.

The Post really knows how to generate buzz. What you see here is some nice post production work on a photo (like what Ariel Salcè does). This cover led to a blog superimposing Jeter into every MLB uniform.
8. Adam Dunn a good fit with Yankees?
This post came in early July — NOT this offseason — and I argued why he wouldn’t be such a good fit with the Yankees. They had no clear opening for him and he is truly an everyday player.
7. Yankees minor league prospects update
Who doesn’t want to know about this? I’m going to make an effort to post more minor league updates this year. Maybe twice per month? For more on Yankees minor league prospects, just check out my prospect archive link at the top of the page, or right here.
6. 2011 Yankees lineup projection, take 1
Not long after the Yankees dropped out of contention this year many fans wondered what the 2011 Yankees lineup might look like. My projection featured Dunn in the sixth spot, right before Jeter. Now that Dunn is with the White Sox, see how it affected my latest Yankees lineup projection here.
5. Cliff Lee is not worth close to $24M/yr
The Yankees planned to offer Lee five years and $120 million (as of Nov. 21), but almost a month later the Phillies signed him for the exact same price. Go figure.
This is the only post on this list that wasn’t published in 2010. Does anyone have one of these? If you have one, you probably won’t like this Snuggie comercial parody.
3. John Sterling’s Lance Berkman home run call
My favorite was the one I thought up: “Sir Lance-A-Lot hit that one to Camelot!” I don’t think he ever used it, but he used his instead!? “Sir Lancelot rides the the rescue! C’EST LOUIS! C’EST LOUIS!”
2. Sterling’s Granderson call [Audio]
Berkman is no longer a Yankee, but Curtis Granderson still is, which means Sterling can continue to sing music from an old Broadway play.
1. Mariano Rivera’s son is looking to pitch at Quinnipiac [Photo]
When I chose to go to Quinnipiac a few years ago, I didn’t expect to see any Yankees legends roaming the campus. But last month during my finals week, of course, there he was. Mo and his kid, Mo Jr. If I wasn’t so brain dead that day due to the all-nighters I pulled, I would’ve thought of something better to say to him than “Hey, Mo, can we get a picture?”
Still no word on whether Rivera’s kid will choose Quinnipiac or not. But if he does, I really, really hope I can score an interview with the great one.