I would have posted about this topic early in the day if I wasn’t preoccupied with the Quinnipiac newspaper’s sports section. Still, I wanted to hear some answers from my followers, and you may be surprised at some of them, considering this poll was taken after A.J. Burnett was yanked in the third inning.
For Burnett:
PhillyNYY2: I would have gone with AJ
kschmidt2: AJ Burnett.
MyPinstripes: AJ
LadyBlueICU: I still would have went with AJ
For Chad Gaudin:
Edwardnet: Gaudin
keithmarder: Gaudin to be the sacrificial lamb vs. Lee and give AJ proper rest.
JBoogieDown: I was on the fence but the answer is clear now. Should have been Gaudin.
jrpalatini: Gaudin
Peanut Gallery:
SimplySmoov: *points at self* THIS GUY
Yankeehottie: me….I should have started tonights game!!
TuSalsera: hmmm……
I was surprised to see so many sticking up for Burnett. My reasoning completely coincides with Keith’s. Most would argue that you cannot flat-out give up a game. But in this case, Cliff Lee is just too good of a pitcher right now to bet against. Plus, Gaudin would have absolutely no pressure on him, so who knows how he would have pitched.
And, I vote Yankeehottie’s response the most creative.
More on tonight’s game later…